January 29, 2016/
  • By africanspellingbee
  • Post Views: 769
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First I would like to thank the African Spelling Bee Team for the opportunity that you had given us,Monash SA Students, to be Mentors to such impeccable African Spelling bee finalists or rather amazing children.

As a Mentor for 3 of the children I felt inspired and driven to motivate my kids, not just mine but every other child for the spelling bee but also make sure they are relaxed. Enjoying their time here in South Africa since most were not South African

Everyday posed a challenged that we had to work through the but through our briefing sessions as Mentors we were able to tackle the challenges.

As a mentor some issues that I faced were that, I felt that the Chaperones from the Different countries sometimes over stepped and this lead to problems during the course of the day, whilst the mentors were attempting to inform the spellers on what they had to do.

Since most chaperones and spellers had not been to South Africa before, taking pictures became a necessity so maybe next time, time could be allocated for that.

But on a lighter note, I really enjoyed the experience of being around fellow African people and mentoring my children was an amazing experience, and I do not regret the experience of actually seeing how a Spelling bee is conducted, participating in Nelson Mandela children’s funds celebrating and visiting Nelson Mandela’s home for the first time. Thank you for the experience Roger.

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