The National Hard Spell And Quiz Contest is run by Edupro Concepts Ventures. Edupro Concepts Ventures is an educational agency legally registered under the Ghana’s Registration of Business Names Act. 1962 (No. 151) as No. Ba – 15.582d, located at Community 9 Tema, Accra, Ghana.
We focus on Child Education, finding alternative ways to interest young people in positive indoor activities. We believe that proficiency in any language and for that matter the English Language will improve spoken and written English and also create Job Avenues for young people; that will go a long way to change the future of our Arts Industry, Poets, Playwright, Novelist, Lawyers, Marketers, Administrators and others.
What makes us different and unique is that our Spelling Bee is strictly British Oriented. Secondly, our Spelling is not just to allow the child to go on stage to spell orally, but the child is employed to know everything about words.
This includes:
- The origin of the word
- Synonyms and Antonyms
- Homonyms
- Idioms
- How to use the word correctly in a sentence thereby inculcating the Habit of Research.
The Hard Spell and Quiz is duly approved by the Ghana Education Service and the only National Spelling Bee in Ghana which is a part of the African Spelling Bee Association.
Again the Hard Spell has over the years imparted about 300,000 Ghanaian students nationwide and above all we try to improve the average and above students.
Address:T/15, Community 9. Mitchell Street [P.O Box CS 8060] Tema-Ghana
Phone:+233 0303-304402, 0242-938013, 0271-944062